Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So, week 3 has proved to be a very difficult week. Some have lost weight; some have maintained weight; and some have gained a little back. The most important thing is to not give up. Keep your goal weight in mind and do not get discouraged.

I saw this article about a woman who had lost 25 pounds in one month by eating the calories that were needed to maintain her ideal weight, not her current weight. It was an interesting article and reiterated the importance of knowing each and every thing (calorie) you decide to place in your mouth—including small pieces of candy/gum. She mentioned that eating food was similar to buying a really nice article of clothing. You see the perfect shirt, jacket, or suit and decide that you have to have it. You pick it up and try it on and it looks great. Then you notice the price tag. Even though you love the article of clothing the price is just not worth it and you place it back on the rack and walk away. She compares this to eating things that we love to eat, but things that may not be the wisest decisions—food items that have too big of price tags. For some reason, this really hit home with me.

Even though your weight may not be where you want it to be this week remember that everyone has lost weight in the last three weeks. Don’t give up. Don’t get embarrassed. It’s not too late to get back on track.

Remember, slow and steady wins the race. You can do it! We all can.

This week's results are below:

Alex +0.38%
Amy -2.02%*
Casey -0.34%
Cate +1.64%
Cheryl +0.8%
Chris -0.55%
Clay -0.74%
Emily C -0.49%
Emily P -1.16%
Heidi -0.59%
Jack (maintained)
Jen (maintained)
Jill -0.60%
Julie (maintained)
Kris +1.18%
Kristin (maintained)
Mackenzie +2.11%
Meagan -0.66%
Melinda +2.60%
Sierra ---
Tina (maintained)
Valerie -0.91%

*(Although my percentage is the greatest lost, it was due to a medical procedure I had this week, so I figured it didn't count, since it wasn't a TRUE weight loss. Congrats Emily P!!)

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