Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Alex lost a whopping 2.83% of her body weight this week. Great job!
It looks like most everyone is back on track this week, so good job everyone!!!

The Worst Food in America:

Men's Health magazine has released its list of the worst foods in America in 2009. In the top (most unhealthy) position: a large Chocolate Oreo Shake from ice cream retailer Baskin-Robbins. According to the popular publication, this drink contains an astonishing 2,600 calories, which breaks down as 135 grams of fat, of which 59 are saturated, 263 grams of sugar and 1,700 milligrams of sodium.

For some perspective, consider that most adults need to consume between 2,000 and 3,000 calories per day to maintain a proper weight. So this single drink has more calories than most adults need in a whole day, and in an unhealthy distribution of macronutrients as well - ideally, an adult should get about 67 grams of fat, of which no more than 11 grams should be saturated.

Needless to say, steer a wide path around this caloric bomb, and all other manifestations of the cookie-or-candy-bar-in-a-blender beverages. If you crave sweets, go with dark chocolate that contains at least 70 percent cocoa solids. An ounce or two, a few times a week, provides heart-healthy flavonoids, and stearic acid, the type of fat it contains, does not raise cholesterol levels.

You can find out what else made the list at:

Here’s how you all did this week:

Alex -2.83%
Amy +3.31%
Casey ---
Cate -0.81%
Cheryl -0.41%
Chris (maintained)
Clay -1.32%
Emily C +0.61%
Emily P -0.59%
Heidi -0.44%
Jack +0.47%
Jen +0.83%
Jill -0.91%
Julie -0.57%
Kris H -1.16%
Kristin -2.06%
Mackenzie -2.07%
Meagan -0.95%
Melinda -1.79%
Sierra (maintained)
Tina (maintained)
Valerie -0.92%

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