Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Congratulations, Julie!
Julie lost 2.31% of her body weight this week and has lost an amazing 4.24% so far. Keep it up!

Well you made it to WEEK 5! Can you believe that we're halfway through our little competition? Time flies when you're losing weight--OK, not really, but just pretend that you get my point.

A great big congratulations to those of us who have continued to stick it out. I know there are both joys and sorrows that come from dieting, exercise, lifestyle changing etc. However, I do believe that the joys far outweigh the sorrows. After this much time following a weight loss regimen, your body will often plateau. This is normal, even though you may not like it. I always found that when I would hit a plateau one of the easiest ways to get around it was to tweak my eating habits. Are you eating a lot of dairy products? When I switched my morning oatmeal to yogurt my weight began to drop again. As silly as it seems, little things like a change in eating habits or your daily workout can push you past that awful plateau. The most important thing to remember is to not give up. And remember, hitting a plateau is always better than gaining weight!!

This weeks results are posted below:

This week:
Alex +0.50%
Amy -0.40%
Casey ---
Cate (maintained)
Cheryl -0.14%
Chris -1.67%
Clay -0.83%
Emily C (maintained)
Emily P (maintained)
Heidi -1.19%
Jack -0.47%
Jen -1.65%
Jill -0.61%
Julie -2.31%
Kris ---
Kristin ---
Mackenzie ---
Meagan -0.22%
Melinda -0.50%
Sierra +0.69%
Tina +0.71%
Valerie +0.58%

Total % lost @ the half way point:
Alex -5.77%
Amy -2.73%
Casey -1.66%
Cate -3.52%
Cheryl -2.27%
Chris -6.25%
Clay -8.26%
Emily C -1.79%
Emily P -3.42%
Heidi -7.31%
Jack (maintained)
Jen -2.29%
Jill -2.99%
Julie -4.24%
Kris -6.84%
Kristin -6.00%
Mackenzie -4.69%
Meagan -2.59%
Melinda -3.18%
Sierra -1.36%
Tina +0.70%
Valerie -1.85%

Great job to everyone! Only 5 more weeks to go. Stick to it! Eat less fat, eat fewer calories, do that extra mile, sweat more, work harder!!! You can do it!!

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